safety and well-being
Our commitment to safety and well-being extends to our employees, contractors, communities, and customers, and is reflected in our Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy.
Daily toolbox talks encourages regular engagement and communication within our team, around health and safety issues and risks.
Our “Cardinal Rules” were implemented to strengthen the drive to achieve our value of “Do No Harm: To our people, to our world.”
Occupational health and safety
We build a safety-first culture across our workforce through various processes and initiatives.
Process safety
We follow process safety management standards in accordance with applicable laws to reduce the likelihood and severity of potential incidents.
Incident management and emergency response
We have robust systems in place to ensure that should any incidents or emergency occur, these are managed, investigated and reported upon.This ensures that repeat occurrences of the same incident are prevented, and preventative measures are included in our ongoing training.
Recordable incidents in 12 months
Internal Target (0,40)
Internal Target 95%