
Our people are our greatest strength. As a dynamic and forward-thinking company, we understand the importance of building a team of talented individuals who share our passion for innovation, sustainability, and positive change. Explore the exciting career possibilities at Renergen and join us in shaping the future of energy, today.

We list open vacancies on our website. Please click the button below to apply and submit your CV. If you are shortlisted, we will contact you for any additional information needed.

Due to the volume of applications we receive, we cannot respond to every candidate. If you have not heard back from us within two weeks of submitting your application, we regret to inform you that your application has not been successful on this occasion.

Currently No Vacancies

Our Recruitment Process

Our recruitment process does not include unsolicited offers of employment, and we will never ask you to send personal banking information via email.


Renergen will only contact you if you have applied for a vacancy through our website or were approached by one of our authorised recruitment personnel. If you suspect fraud, please get in touch with us and report the matter:

Renergen believes in diversity and equal opportunities. We welcome all applications – regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, ideology, disabilities, age or sexual identity. Preference will be given to applicants from designated groups and people with disabilities according to our Employment Equity Plan.  This includes reasonable accommodation to enable individuals with disabilities to perform essential job functions.